

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Kolektif is a web application where employees can track their human resources work and socialize. In this application, they can create and customize their profile pages, follow announcements, and make updates. At the same time, employees can see their colleagues' profiles, like their posts, and view the company's stories. Employees can also thank their colleagues or other teams by using the appreciation page. The new database is created through all these personal entries for employee-specific training and activity suggestions.

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Douyin PC shows a distinctive interactive experience of video consumption and broadcasting. Watching videos on the left side of the drawer panel and selecting related content on the right side can give users a sense of control. According to the operating characteristics of the keyboard and mouse, it provides more convenient and quick operation and more prominent feedback perception. The delight of user experience is crucial to designers, and they take visual aesthetics, ease of operation, and consumer immersion as product design principles to guide them to make a better design.

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Cryptcon is an HTML template designed to meet the needs of both buyers and sellers. With its user-friendly design, clear sections, and advanced customization options, cryptcon provides the ideal platform to create your own NFT Marketplace to buy and sell tokens, crypto currency, and other digital assets. Not only is it easy to use, but cryptcon also offers a wide range of customization features that allow you to personalize your website.

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Jotape 3D Duo

The idea was to create an image that brings all the features of the product through visual elements like the cushion and the foam. Thus giving the sensation of softness that the product needed. The inspiration was the common materials of the day to day. The floating elements bring through the soft and round shapes the sensation of softness and lightness. Even though it was a simple representation, the result was thought of something different from the usuall. The biggest challenge was that through a few elements and textures the sensation the product needed.

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Digital Human

Digital human live platform has created a new scheme for online live sales, which facilitates the digital transformation of the whole industry, and accelerates the development and commercial realization. And it conforms to the multidimensional integration of the global economy, markets, and commodities. As a permanent digital asset of an enterprise, digital human live will connect brands with consumers, and provides new growth space for brand efficiency, then truly making live marketing of this brand sustainable and durable.

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Spectator Assistant

As people pay more attention to sports events, audiences want to enhance their viewing experience and get more professional information. For that, AI Spectator Assistant can identify and analyze information related to the events, then visually present them to reduce users' confusion. It can also improve color recognition for color blind people and provide subtitles for the hearing-impaired audiences. In addition, audiences can quickly edit video clips after the race by the product.

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