

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Spectator Assistant

As people pay more attention to sports events, audiences want to enhance their viewing experience and get more professional information. For that, AI Spectator Assistant can identify and analyze information related to the events, then visually present them to reduce users' confusion. It can also improve color recognition for color blind people and provide subtitles for the hearing-impaired audiences. In addition, audiences can quickly edit video clips after the race by the product.

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Seismic Mobile

The seismic app provides an instant security service for facilities collaborating with seismic sensors wirelessly. The system consists of sensors, modems, and an app that enables remote management of sensor setup, settings, radars, and notifications. Instead of a handheld device, this app provides the simple benefit of only being on your mobile phone. Despite the technical content, it is designed for everyday app usage. Thus, the interaction is easy for every user. Alarms, cautions, and sensor states are demonstrated in distinctive colors on a dark background to make them easy to recognize.

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The user experience strategy building of the platform starts from the most basic attributes of the digital human service, such as form, color and material. The platform then helps assemble and constructs more visible and concrete digital human components, parts, templates, etc., until the final product is produced. The basic design principles of the digital human service content guide the experience and aesthetic standards for the development of each layer of production elements, which ensures that the entire digital human service content has high-quality experience on all levels.

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It helps achieve precise volume control for agricultural irrigation, enables the best growing environment for crops, and reduces irrigation costs. Further, it integrates field monitoring capabilities, allowing users to control equipment remotely to improve field management and services, a true example of how AI can help improve agricultural productivity and efficiency while reducing costs. A simplified and accessible solution with minimal required operations. The solution involves three stages: sense, decide, collaborate.

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Super Ego

Super Ego, an art project that satirises consumer culture and the impact of social media on people. The project aims to criticise the artificial feeding of people's egos through likes and followers on social media platforms such as Instagram. It wanted to create a metaphorical representation of society's new superheroes, whose lives revolve around getting more likes and followers. The project focuses on Instagram, where every image posted online is displayed as a showcase to capture the attention of users.

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Safety Production

This system deeply integrates artificial intelligence technology with the pipeline inspection scenarios, combines a variety of intelligent devices, and utilizes technologies of industrial big data, edge computing, digital twin, Internet of Things, GIS, and 5G to realize unmanned or minimally manned inspection in high-risk scenarios. By using this system, it is possible to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of enterprises' safety management while also contributing to the protection of people’s lives and safety.

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Design interview of the day

Read the latest interviews and conversations on design, creativity and innovation between design journalist and world-famous designers, artists and architects. See latest design projects and award-winning designs by famous designers, artists, architects and innovators. Discover new insights on creativity, innovation, arts, design and architecture. Learn about design processes of great designers.

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