

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Maybe app is simple. It is attractive, clean, and intuitive, generated to talk about the taboo topic of menstruation that unfortunately causes a lot of damage in the correct development of girls, physicaly and emotional. The solution is generated through collaboration with specialists and parents reaching out the conclusion that the bad experience may be prevented by support and approaching this topic at the right time with the right preparation of parents that through articles understad better how to guide, educate better in order to empower girls and help them know themselves better.

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Akbank ATM

With the new design approach, the experience of Akbank ATM becomes future-proofed and supports a broad range of user types including both Akbank customers and non-customer users. It provides a mobile-like experience with a smart personalized dashboard based on user behavior patterns and their financial decision-making models.

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Axeed provides a new way of working and cooperation for freelance designers and clients. It aims to solve various problems between freelance designers and clients. On the one hand, it’s a platform for freelance designers to find job opportunities, organize their projects, and help them make their work safer and easier. On the other hand, it’s also a platform for clients to find the most suitable designers.

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Jysan Bank

In B2B banking App and WEB for Jysan Bank, a tremendous work on UX research has been done to identify the needs, abilities and further qualitative implementation of all functionality. Design is very clean and simple for use. Target audience of the project is CEOs and accountants. The greatest challenge was to cut the number of required fields via optimization and to relieve internal departments of the bank by transferring fields verification from manual to online and having added some new functional, which won't in online before that time.

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Together Better

The Together Better hopes to improve the user's play experience with friends by a mobile applications. For example, make play plans, navigate to meetings. All the things about play outdoors can be done through this app without switching back and forth between several apps. Simple and efficient content and operation mode can avoid users wasting too much time on app, so that users can spend more time with friends in real world. In visual design, the Neomorphism style was used to reduce the digital sense.

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ReAim offers an easy way to increase user engagement. ReAim is used to send visitors targeted push notifications so they keep coming back. This platform will provide owners of different kinds of websites to re-engage and reach their audience even when they are not on their website through push notifications. Its goal is that anyone can publish a the campaign, add creatives, and start sending push messages within minutes after signing up.

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