

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Jotape 3D Duo

The idea was to create an image that brings all the features of the product through visual elements like the cushion and the foam. Thus giving the sensation of softness that the product needed. The inspiration was the common materials of the day to day. The floating elements bring through the soft and round shapes the sensation of softness and lightness. Even though it was a simple representation, the result was thought of something different from the usuall. The biggest challenge was that through a few elements and textures the sensation the product needed.

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Digital Human

Digital human live platform has created a new scheme for online live sales, which facilitates the digital transformation of the whole industry, and accelerates the development and commercial realization. And it conforms to the multidimensional integration of the global economy, markets, and commodities. As a permanent digital asset of an enterprise, digital human live will connect brands with consumers, and provides new growth space for brand efficiency, then truly making live marketing of this brand sustainable and durable.

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Spectator Assistant

As people pay more attention to sports events, audiences want to enhance their viewing experience and get more professional information. For that, AI Spectator Assistant can identify and analyze information related to the events, then visually present them to reduce users' confusion. It can also improve color recognition for color blind people and provide subtitles for the hearing-impaired audiences. In addition, audiences can quickly edit video clips after the race by the product.

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Seismic Mobile

The seismic app provides an instant security service for facilities collaborating with seismic sensors wirelessly. The system consists of sensors, modems, and an app that enables remote management of sensor setup, settings, radars, and notifications. Instead of a handheld device, this app provides the simple benefit of only being on your mobile phone. Despite the technical content, it is designed for everyday app usage. Thus, the interaction is easy for every user. Alarms, cautions, and sensor states are demonstrated in distinctive colors on a dark background to make them easy to recognize.

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The user experience strategy building of the platform starts from the most basic attributes of the digital human service, such as form, color and material. The platform then helps assemble and constructs more visible and concrete digital human components, parts, templates, etc., until the final product is produced. The basic design principles of the digital human service content guide the experience and aesthetic standards for the development of each layer of production elements, which ensures that the entire digital human service content has high-quality experience on all levels.

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It helps achieve precise volume control for agricultural irrigation, enables the best growing environment for crops, and reduces irrigation costs. Further, it integrates field monitoring capabilities, allowing users to control equipment remotely to improve field management and services, a true example of how AI can help improve agricultural productivity and efficiency while reducing costs. A simplified and accessible solution with minimal required operations. The solution involves three stages: sense, decide, collaborate.

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World's best designers, artists and architects.

Good design deserves great recognition. Everyday, we are pleased to feature amazing designers who create original and innovative designs, amazing architecture, stylish fashion and creative graphics. Today, we are presenting you one of the World’s greatest designers. Checkout an award-winning design portfolio today and get your daily design inspiration.

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